Grant Details

FY 2024 West Virginia Treatment Supervision Grant Program

West Virginia Department of Homeland Security, Justice and Community Services

Entity Eligible to Apply for Grant:
Eligible applicants are public, private, or non-profit organizations with a valid West Virginia Business License and /or unit of local government.

Type of Grant:

​​This funding announcement is part of a statewide Justice Reinvestment Implementation plan to expand community-based services and supports for persons convicted of a felony crime who demonstrate a high risk to reoffend coupled with a need for substance use treatment. ​Classification as high risk with a moderate to high substance use need will be determined by the
Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI).


The following are requirements for the submission of proposals to Justice and Community
Services (JCS):
• The document includes general contact information, program information,
administrative responsibilities, and fiscal requirements;
• Responses must be submitted using the required application template;
• Responses must be submitted through Vendor Self-Service using the instructions
provided on the date of release. An electronic copy should also be emailed to Marty
Hatfield at in Word format.
• The hard copy of the application will not be marked as “Received” until the electronic
version has been received;
• All submissions must be received no later than close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the
application deadline;
• It is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all required documents are
received by the application deadline. Notification that the proposal was received will
follow; and
​​​• Proposals that fail to comply with the requirements provided within this document,
incomplete proposals, or proposals submitted after the application deadline will not
pass the initial administrative review.

How to Apply

Organizations planning to submit a response the RFP must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by
Friday, February 10, 2023 to Marty Hatfield at prior to submission of
the proposal. 

These LOIs shall serve to document the organization’s interest in providing the
types of services described within the and will not be considered binding until receipt of
the full proposal is received.

Apply Now

Dates to Remember

Posted Date

Due Date

Letter of Intent

Important Contacts

Criminal Justice Program Manager

Marty Hatfield
WV Division of Administrative Services
Justice and Community Services
1124 Smith Street, Suite 3100
Charleston, WV  25301