The following are requirements for the submission of proposals to Justice and Community
Services (JCS):
• The document includes general contact information, program information,
administrative responsibilities, and fiscal requirements;
• Responses must be submitted using the required application template;
• Responses must be submitted through Vendor Self-Service using the instructions
provided on the date of release. An electronic copy should also be emailed to Marty
Hatfield at in Word format.
• The hard copy of the application will not be marked as “Received” until the electronic
version has been received;
• All submissions must be received no later than close of business (5:00 p.m.) on the
application deadline;
• It is the sole responsibility of applicants to ensure that all required documents are
received by the application deadline. Notification that the proposal was received will
follow; and
• Proposals that fail to comply with the requirements provided within this document,
incomplete proposals, or proposals submitted after the application deadline will not
pass the initial administrative review.