Grant Details

Economic Enhancement Grant Fund (EEGF)

West Virginia Water Development Authority

Entity Eligible to Apply for Grant:
Governmental Agency or Not-for-Profit Organization

Type of Grant:

The West Virginia Legislature enacted HB4566 which amended the West Virginia Water Development Authority statute, WV Code 22C-1 et seq (the “WVWDA Act”) by adding a new section 6a (“Section 6a”).  Section 6a authorized the West Virginia Water Development Authority (the “WDA”) to create the West Virginia Economic Enhancement Grant Fund (the “EEG Fund”).  On April 25, 2022, the Legislature passed HB217 which appropriated $250,000,000 to the EEG Fund from certain American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) funds received by the State of West Virginia (“HB217”).  The WDA placed the appropriation in the HB217 Enhancement Grant Subaccount (the “HB217 Subaccount”).​


The following requirements must be met for a Project Sponsor to be eligible to receive a grant from the HB217 Subaccount:
  • ​​Project Sponsor must be either a governmental agency or a not-for-profit organization.
  • The Project must be a “project” or “infrastructure project” under WV Code 31-15A-2, including (by way of example only) a project for either a water system, a wastewater/sewer system, stormwater system or an economic development type project.
  • The Project Sponsor must be eligible to receive a State grant under WV Code 12-4-14.
  • The Project Sponsor must be registered on and have a UEI number.
  • The Project Sponsor must be able to enter into construction and/or acquisition contracts for Project by December 31, 2024.
  • All West Virginia Water Development Authority Economic Enhancement Grant Funds for the Project must be spent (paid to contractor/vendor) by December 31, 2026.
  • The Project Sponsor must be able to provide prior fiscal year audit by March 29th annually.
  • The Project Sponsor must maximize all other funding sources.
  • All water, wastewater/sewer and stormwater projects must have a recommendation from the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council.
  • All infrastructure projects (economic development) must have a written recommendation from either the Secretary of Commerce, Economic Development or Tourism.
  • The Project must be bid using the requirements of the most stringent funding source.
  • If the estimated total Project cost (water, wastewater/sewer or stormwater) exceeds $10,000,000, then the Project Sponsor shall require Davis Bacon Act wage rates and provide a workforce continuity plan (see Appendix A to Grant Guidance).  
  • BABA and AIS are not required unless required by another Project funding source.  
  • The Project Sponsor shall follow Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements unless the Project Sponsor can provide documented justification for why not followed.
  • The Project may be the design of a water system, a wastewater/sewer system or a stormwater system provided that the design must be complete and ready to bid by December 31, 2024.

How to Apply

The Project Sponsor shall complete the appropriate application and email it to the WDA at and on WV Vender Self Service Portal​ (1. VSS Portal, 2. View Grant Opportunities, 3. WV Water Development Authority Economic Enhancement Grant Fund) for the requested funding type:

1) Section 6a(b) Matching Grant
2) Section 6a(c)(1) Bid Overrun Grant
3) Section 6a(c)(2)-(6) Other Grant
4) Section 6a(c)(7) Infrastructure Grant (Economic Development)

The WDA staff shall review applications and complete a funding sheet and when necessary request additional information.

1.) Matching Grant.  If a Project Sponsor is eligible for a federal or other program grant that requires a match and when that commitment is required to be submitted with the application, the WDA upon receipt of a recommendation from the IJDC or West Virginia Department of Economic Development (“WV DED”) shall consider the request and if approved, set aside money in the Matching Grant Subaccount and provide the binding commitment.  If the Project Sponsor is awarded the federal or other grant, the WDA shall enter into a grant agreement for the disbursement of the grant.  If the Project Sponsor does not receive the federal or other grant, the binding commitment will be rescinded.

2.) Bid Overrun.  If the Project Sponsor has a bid overrun on a project approved by the IJDC, the Project Sponsor shall apply for a bid overrun grant on the appropriate application and provide the information with respect to the pre-bid funding, other funding being sought and the amount of bid overrun grant being requested.  The Executive Director of the WDA in consultation with the Chair of the Water Development Board (“Board”) will initially be authorized to approve bid overrun grants up to $10,000,000.  Bid overrun grant requests in excess of $10,000,000 shall be considered by the Board.

3.) Other Grants Section 6a(c)(2)-(6).  The Project Sponsor shall complete the appropriate application and designate the section of funding being requested.  WDA staff shall request any additional information necessary to complete the review.  

4.) Infrastructure Grant (economic development) Section 6a(c)(7).  The Project Sponsor shall complete the application and provide the recommendation letter from the applicable Secretary.  WDA staff shall request any additional information necessary to complete the review. 

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Dates to Remember

Posted Date

Important Contacts

Executive Director

Marie Prezioso

Deputy Director

Brad Sergent