BFA - Afterschool Network
WV DHHR, Bureau for Family Assistance
Type of Grant:
This grant shall allow the West Virginia Statewide Afterschool Network (WVSAN) the opportunity to continue to work on accomplishing the following goals and objectives: To create a sustainable structure of statewide, regional and local partnerships, particularly school-community partnerships, focused on supporting policy development at all levels. To support the development and growth of statewide policies that will secure the resources that are needed to sustain new and existing schoolbased/school-linked afterschool programs. To support statewide systems to ensure programs are of high quality.
Refer to the Announcement of Availabilty within the Grant Funding Opportunity in wvOASIS for the guidelines and requirements of the grant.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit the full application including all attachments electronically using the wvOasis Vendor Self Service (VSS) online portal at
Instructional training videos for VSS are located at and include additional details regarding how to complete the grant funding application in VSS.
For technical assistance within or for help with a State Vendor ID, the applicant may call the Help Desk at (855) 666-8823 or email must submit the full application including all attachments electronically using the wvOasis Vendor Self Service (VSS) online portal at
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