Grant Details

Section 319 Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant

Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water and Waste Management/Watershed Improvement Branch

Entity Eligible to Apply for Grant:
Subgrants are solicited and submitted for watershed plan implementation and other nonpoint source projects. Qualified projects are based on the categories and goals/objectives found in the WV Nonpoint Source Program Management Plan,

Type of Grant:

Project proposals seeking funding from §319 funding must follow specific guidelines to be eligible for such funding. 

The project must support the NPS Program in accomplishing its goals as stated in the Management Plan. The project must also meet all the requirements of the CWA and USEPA’s guidelines for §319 Grants. ​​

Criteria for a project proposal  

1. The proposal is linked to the objectives of the NPS Program’s Management Plan and the West Virginia Watershed Management Framework. 
2. The proposal includes appropriate and effective measures of success. 
3. The project recruits and facilitates partnerships, support and involvement from governmental entities, educational institutions, business, and citizen’s groups. 
4. The project obtains funds and develops efforts to continue nonpoint source pollution management after § 319 funding ends. 
5. The project is cost effective.  Funds are targeted to provide maximum nonpoint source pollution control.  Requested funds for administration and other non-implementation activities are kept to a minimum and cannot exceed 10% of the total watershed project grant. 
6. The entity requesting § 319 funds must support the project with a 40% match of the total project cost.  In-kind support from the requesting entity is acceptable. The 40% match cannot come from other federally funded programs or funds. 
7. The proposal incorporates an effective public education and outreach component. 
8. The project activities can be achieved within a reasonable time.

Eligible projects:

1. The project contributes to the implementation of the NSP Management Plan.
2. The project is in a watershed with a TMDL or in a watershed listed on the 303(d) list with a TMDL scheduled.
3. The project addresses nonpoint source water quality impairment. The goal of the project must be to reduce the loading of one or more nonpoint source pollutants.
4. A demonstration project can install best management practices (BMPs) that are innovative, holistic, or hard to sell. Education, load reduction and technology transfer are the purposes of the project so defined efforts to publicize the project are required.


Normally proposals are submitted based on our schedule - the deadline for submitting §319 proposals are on/before May 1st of every year. After receiving proposal submissions, the NPS Team reviews the proposal and provides feedback. 

​There is a short window of time during our annual grant submission process where proposals are evaluated and submitted in a grant package to USEPA.

How to Apply

Specific details and guidance are available on the NPS website or by contacting the Program Coordinator.

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Dates to Remember

Posted Date

Due Date

Intent to Apply due

Notification of applicant selection and tentative awards

Grant award documents sent to subrecipients

Documents and Resources

Additional Grant Information

Important Contacts

Grant Contact Information

Timothy Craddock
304-926-0499, ext. 43868