Grant Details


West Virginia Department of Economic Development, Community Advancement and Development

Entity Eligible to Apply for Grant:
Local governments (county and municipal)

Type of Grant:

PUBLIC FACILITIES such as construct a facility for testing, diagnosis, or treatment, rehabilitate a community facility to establish an infectious disease treatment clinic, construct or rehabilitate a group living facility that may be used to centralize patients undergoing treatment, rehabilitate a commercial building to establish an infectious disease treatment clinic, (e.g., by replacing the HVAC system), construct or renovate health care facilities to better respond to the Coronavirus, construct or renovate senior, youth, childcare, and community centers to better respond to the Coronavirus and Renovate public schools to better respond to the Coronavirus. All projects must be able to show tie back to COVID-19 and no duplication of benefits. Maximum award amount $2,000,000.
PUBLIC SERVICES (projects must provide a new or increased level of a public service)- such as provide testing, diagnosis, or other services at a fixed or mobile location, increase the capacity and availability of targeted health services for infectious disease response within existing health facilities, support operations of food banks/pantries including staffing, supplies, utilities, maintenance, rent, mortgage, utilities, (HIV/AIDS homeless programs, programs that serve seniors, youth, disabled persons, domestic and violence victims impacted by COVID-19), legal, transportation, child care, mental health, crime awareness, housing counseling, abused and neglected children. All projects must be able to show tie back to COVID-19 and no duplication of benefits.  Maximum award amount $1,000,000.
a. Income payments.
b. Supplanting or substituting expenses currently paid for by other sources.
c. Improvements to buildings for the general conduct of government.
d. General government expenses.
e. Political activities and lobbying
f. Purchase of equipment, specifically for construction but also including fire protection equipment
g. Furnishings, and personal properties.​​

How to Apply

Applicants apply to the WV Community Advancement and Development Division.  

Application rounds will be held until all funding is awarded. Round 4 grantees have been announced.  TBD if there is round 5.​​

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Dates to Remember

Important Contacts

Program Manager

Sherry Risk
1900 Kanawha Blvd, East
Building 3, Suite 700
Charleston, WV  25305

WVCAD Infrastructure Unit Manager

James Bush
1900 Kanawha Blvd, East
Building 3, Suite 700
Charleston, WV  25305